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I'm really passionate about working with small businesses and Auralis Botanicals has been a statement product in my life. Because they are still such a small brand I wanted to see what I could do to target a new audience and grow their brand.


This is what I came up with!

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Who is the target?

  • 25-35 years old

  • Health Conscious

  • Middle Class


For Adults 25-35 who care about their health, Auralis Botanicals is the perfect non-alc tonic that tastes great and supports a healthy system. Unlike other tonic/soda brands, Auralis Botanicals is sugar-free, calorie-free, and contains real functional and adaptogenic mushroom extracts to improve its customer’s health.

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The Idea

Not a lot of people know about adaptogenic mushrooms, but everyone knows "shrooms" are illegal.  I wanted to spike people's interest while maintaining the joyful brand mood.

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Subway Poster

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